Our Vision
The Yaqar Project was founded as a collaboration of willing people on behalf of the hurting children of the world.
YAQAR (yaw-kahr) is a Hebrew word meaning ‘of great worth’. We are an orphan-centric collaborative outreach. We believe in bringing hope and confidence to hurting children around the globe by uniting the unique gifts of those willing to take action on their behalf. We believe that children are precious and important, and we believe that anyone willing to give any time, talent, or resource to those children can make a life-changing impact when given the right opportunity.
The Yaqar Project was founded as a collaboration of willing people on behalf of the hurting children of the world.
Mother Teresa once said:
“I can do things you cannot. You can do things I cannot. TOGETHER WE CAN DO GREAT THINGS.”
We believe that creating a place of unity and collaboration will multiply what each of us can do individually into a globally impactful movement.
Our organization is founded by Christians and on Christian values. As Christians, we believe in the commandment of James 1:27: “Pure and undefiled religion is this: to care for orphans (and widows) in their misfortune.”
When working in orphanages years before the founding of the Yaqar Project, our founders came to the humbling realization of just what a monumental task this is.
There are millions of orphans in the world, both in institutions, in temporary families, and in biological homes where they are neglected and abused (social orphans). To reach these children in a sustainable and impactful way takes more than thousands of people serving- it takes unity, and a worldwide network of people sharing time, skillsets and resources to remind the forgotten children of the world that they are ‘yaqar’- precious, important, and of great worth.
The Yaqar Project community is comprised of organizations or individuals routinely working with legal and social orphans to bring them a future and a hope. Members of our community have been personally met and vetted by our staff and approved by our board.
All members of our community:
- Work with orphans, whether legal or social. (James 1:27)
- Work to provide children hope and a better future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
- Serve children with compassion and integrity, and do not withhold resources that can be constructively given. (Proverbs 3:27)
The Yaqar Project Community are the immediate and direct connection point to hurting children- they are the everyday impact.
The Yaqar Project Partners are people who chose to support this organization and network financially or routinely through some level of financial commitment, and thus become a source of strength and provision that funnels through the Community to reach orphans around the globe.
The Yaqar Project Volunteers may make a one-time donation or trip or tackle a single project, but everyone who volunteers any talent, skill, money or time becomes a vital link in the worldwide network we are building and provides an amazing resource, no matter the size, which will be directed to where it is most needed through our staff and Community and bring hope to a hurting child.
We are thankful for you. We are not a ministry, but a collaboration, and without you, we cannot succeed. Thank you for your interest in these beautiful children and for connecting with us!
Ways You Can Help

Join a trip and serve with our community around the world.

Use your skills and time to change lives from right where you are.

Donate today and help with children that are hurting.

If you are in need of resources, start here.